“I’d never lived before your love, I’d never felt before your touch, and I never needed anyone to make me feel alive, but then again, I wasn’t really living.” ~Kelly Clarkson (Before Your Love)

I have just spent the month having a house to myself in the first time in a year. Now, that is over. It was really like a tease to what should be, or what will be. I am in the middle of the journey for the next phase of my life. I am so ready, I am just missing some of the technical aspects. Like my certification. I know that I can do it, I am just not quite sure how crazy I will be at the end.

This is not about that though. This is all about romantic movies. I am watching cheesy romantic comedies. You know the kind, the world gets tuned upside down. The girl thinks she is getting it together and bam it gets twisted again to the final conclusion. The funny thing is that she never sees the ending coming, she misses the guy under her nose. In the end it is the perfect match and so predictable. They always end up happily ever after in every way. In the first one I watched she though there was no guy that fit her perfect match and she would forever be alone. Enter the guy who does not fit anything on the list and there is the guy who fits that is the fake. So predictable. The ending is my favorite…

She swoops and says hey I love you. Of course he says it back and carries her away while people clap…

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I find myself wanting that predicatability. That person to say duh you love him and he loves you dummy! HAHA. Life is not that way though is it. On a show I am watching a girl says that she always wished that if a person were interested in her they would glow green when they were near. That sounds so awesome. Only if it doesn’t go both ways.

But what if you like someone not appropriate. What if red flags are flying all around you but you are getting something out of it that no one can see, that is not typical. What if they free you but you do not give them anything. I just want to fast foreward to the end of my movie…or do I? Isn’t the main part of the movie watching her journey. Isn’t that what everyone praises her for. Isn’t that where she learns her life altering lessons. I have more to say but I cannot form the words. I am so confused on what I want that I cannot see straight, and tired…very tired. Like really I need to sleep, but I figured I would leave you with a few funny or sappy memes 😉

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