“The thing that I needed was you. I survived. You survived. But I do not think we can survive this.”

I have a confession. I love binge watching. Currently, my show is Grey’s anatomy. I can usually find something to relate to. The episode I watched today was the divorce episode of April and Jackson. I had this episode going while I was working on custody paperwork, while emotionally processing the things I did that are not helpful to where we ended up now. It stuck me so much I have given up the song lyrics for this occasion. I am unsure Who would be saying the above quote, maybe both of us. Because I know, he is doing the same thing as me. Preparing paperwork as to why you are the better parent. It is a nasty thing. I do not enjoy it because I choose him as the father of my children, and the rest of my life. He was my person. I don’t want to get evidence, or discredit him. I want to build him up. I want to cheer him on from a distance. It makes me really sad and mad that it came to this. I will always love him to some extent just not as what it was.

“Until you look at each and every injury, you can’t see what went wrong.”

“In trauma, we’re concerned with one overriding question. How did this happen? What was the mechanism of injury? How do we see past the mess and confusion of the trauma to figure out what the damage actually is? … Every part of a trauma tells a different piece of a story. And until you look at each and every injury, you can’t see what went wrong.”
– April


The second downfall between this paperwork and being in my support group is that it gets very into me. What I did? What I didn’t do? I had go through all of our text messages to decide what was important to pass on and what was just what it is. I started in the sexy texting, full of dirty things and love. Full of sweet nothings and we are perfect for each other. All those thing you send to the love of your life. In the middle it gets more sexual and you can tell the fighting. You can see me getting short after I left. You can see his lies in the timing of what I know now. You can see where I was running. Where I was too hurt to come close, where I felt pressured. I can see where maybe if I would have listened to him instead of telling him good night, maybe if he would have listened to what I said. Maybe if…

You can see two people fighting the same battle in very different ways. I needed space and time to heal, he needed the opposite. I tried to meet him how he needed before, he did the same. So many wrong choices from both of us. Then you see him detach. You see me cling or run away.

You see it all play out step by step with more knowledge behind it. You see more clearly what seemed so foggy and unsure. You see so much more than you want to. You start seeing beyond the pain and anger you saw it from before. You see how others could have seen it, just with a lot more visualization. You see what you should have said or done. In my support group we toss around, “should have’s don’t come from God”. It is very true. It does not stop them from swimming in your head. I have been super emotional, which is worse because I am still hormonal. Oy the hormones! It is a very crazy roller coaster.

You also see what has become of the players. You see where we went with the cards you were dealt and where they did. You see the death of what should have been crystal clear. Sometimes it leads to more questions. How? Why? The details I have no desire to know, well a small tiny one. I am human. We question things a lot. That is why I distance myself more from it all for my growth.

Now I am envisioning a future of two homes and two families as a unit working hopefully well. Phone calls instead of seeing the kids every night. No more lazy weekends as family with his pancakes in the morning. No more of the good that came worlds before the bad. The good that formed our family. That also means no more of the bad as well. It means a life starting over. That is a really hard thought. I dislike starting over. I like what the routine I had, even if it was not the best ending.

“Not for the things that matter.”
Jackson: “See, you can’t ever take responsibility. You never apologize.”
April: “I apologize all the time.”
Jackson: “Not for the things that matter.”

So I end up here, and April Kepner says it a lot better then me. She has a script to go by, I have life. I have the middle of the journey. So I leave with her.

I will leave you with the wise words of April Kepner, whom has a script. While I am in the middle of the storm. She will say the words of my heart.

“Even if we know exactly how we got here, it doesn’t mean we can fix it. You can’t heal every wound.”
“We talk about the mechanism of injury, about where it all started, but the truth is, it’s sort of a myth. We can’t boil every injury down to one single blow. What hurts us is cumulative. It happens over time. We absorb blow after blow, shock after shock, painful hit after hit. But even then, even if we know exactly how we got here, it doesn’t mean we can fix it. You can’t heal every wound, and that’s okay. I have to believe it’s okay. I have to believe that even if something seems like it cannot be fixed, it doesn’t mean it’s broken.”
– April

























































































I’ve been through so many changes I don’t know which way to go Yet I’ve got it so together I can see with my eyes open or with my eyes closed

I live a small town, not country style but in the everyone knows everyone to some extent way. We have one general merchandise store most people shop out or have or will work at. So it makes my situation harder because there is always some reminder around the corner. I have tried to avoid obvious place she works that we used to. There are places that should be safe then it get turned around there too. For example his grandmothers friend works at my daughters school. It always seems that when I let my guard down something happens.

The funny thing is the start of this story is my daughters and I driving to this place and my oldest says maybe one day our plan will lead us to moving somewhere else. Speaking the desires of my mind honey! I could use a clean slate for sure. So we are on our way to my nephews first t-ball game. Now if you follow kids sports there is months of practices and lots of games. Short, very long months. We did three years of soccer and oh man by the end of it you are so glad to be done. This is only game one! Well I show up late due to well trying to get kids ready. So when we get there we are only looking for “your” people. I find them and watch kids on the side lines and my nephew standing on the field not paying attention. Also those kids playing was adorable. The kid trying to steal home plate from second. The one who was the size of my two year old. I am just enjoying the time with family. I notice out of the corner of my eye my brother in laws ex-fiancé whom still talks to my mother in law. I smile as I have no thing against her and little care about it. She talks to a girl I went to school with. I am just thinking what a small world and then I saw the old school mates Mom who is my husbands old boss at said small town store. Convinced yet? Well I try to ignore them as I am only there for my nephew. My kid is not on the team so I do not have to sit through the practices. It only gets awkward when the “store people” kept looking at me and whispering. Now with this store you usually keep a link to the store especially when you hit management. So I have a feeling they know something, what I don’t know is what side of the story.

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I do not want to be the girl you look at and whisper about be it poor her or man she is a an evil ex-wife keeping her kids from her ex-husband or something in between. I am okay with knowing there are people talking about their opinions because that is life. People judge based off what they see or hear and with whom they know better. I usually don’t care what your opinion is of me. To have people looking and whispering in a place that should be just family fun is driving me crazy though. I know that store is a hot spot of lots of information for both sides and the probability I will run into one of them or both of them. So I only got there when I need to. This isn’t even the other team they were playing. It was the same team so they will be there for every game…yay me. I was just glad that I had plans to go somewhere less then an hour into the game. I have never been so happy to leave a kids sports game.

Although it probably looked like I was running off to meet someone which I was just a group of moms. I know he will freak out when I am even if he has moved on. Which means that there is more added drama. I was once told that I don’t seek out drama it chases me. I really wish it would go away. Although if I am being honest I do have a tendency to straighten my thoughts by ranting. After I feel better and others not so much. That is partially why I started blogging, journaling, and even drawing. It makes it so I can clear my head. I process fast and bounce back however it does hit me hard.

Image result for moving on

On to bigger things though.  I start school next week I am so stoked. The only downfall is it is my oldest kids spring break. So on my school days I have to have someone with her. My youngest has day care at the school campus. On days like this I wish my hope that at least by now we could co parent to the point where I could trust him with the kids. But he is so…impulsive like he was when he was drinking and some red flags have popped up on visitations like he might be that I can’t. It is really hard to want your kids to have a relationship with their Dad but not being able to gamble with the risk. One day I hope to be there. Maybe this year. Until then I am dreaming of moving to a town where I am not connected to the things that happened in my life. I do not want pity or glares.






















May angels lead you in Hear you me my friends On sleepless roads, the sleepless go May angels lead you in

Today my parents who are visiting in our old hometown sent me an obituary. We moved when I was second grade so my ties there are very few and old except for family and that isn’t something you tell over email.

There was this family that we grew up with. They had a girl my age and a boy my brothers. So it was a perfect fit. We moved up to the Puget sound when I was in second grade and time separated us all.

My father reads the obituaries from our home town regularly because they grew up there their whole lives and you loose touch sometimes. Especially after a few years.

The person who died was the boy my brothers age. That is a man in his 30’s. He had a son too. He had a whole life going, and while I may not know what exactly it consisted of it is still a sad lose for all. It says he died “suddenly” but not the cause.

So the lyrics to this song hit me today. Not just for that young man but the kid who died in junior high, my uncle, my grandpa, my husbands grandma pretty much anyone who is gone. A lot for my Uncle and Gramps.  So for now I am going to leave off with the lyrics…Let them speak to you for anyone you have lost. Love the ones around you.

There’s no one in town I know
You gave us some place to go.
I never said thank you for that.
I thought I might get one more chance.

What would you think of me now,
So lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never said thank you for that,
Now I’ll never have a chance.

May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.

Now what would you think of me now,
So lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never said thank you for that,
Now I’ll never have a chance.

May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.

And if you were with me tonight,
I’d sing to you just one more time.
A song for a heart so big,
God couldn’t let it live.

May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.

May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.
May angels lead you in.